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TRIONIX RZ F1 (21-SL973) product photo front L
TRIONIX RZ F1 (21-SL973) product photo front L
TRIONIX RZ F1 (21-SL973) product photo front L
TRIONIX RZ F1 (21-SL973) product photo front S

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Nom de la variété
TRIONIX RZ F1 (21-SL973)
Numéro d'introduction
21-SL973 RZ F1
Resistances (HR)
Resistances (IR)
High quality slicer cucumber for dry winter conditions

21-SL973 RZ is a uniform high quality slicer cucumber with a good vigour in winter. The fruits are dark green and medium spined. The fruit setting is good. We recommend 21-SL973 RZ for dry winter cultivations like southern Morocco.

- uniformity
- fruit quality
- Blueleaf
- vigour in the more dry winter condtions